OT365 Partners
What is OT365?
Occupational therapists in Canada are supported by organizations in each province or territory as well as nationally. OT365 is a collaborative program with the aim to improve the health and well-being of Canadians by increasing everyone’s awareness of how occupational therapy might benefit them.
OT365 partners are:
CAOT-BC caotbc@caot.ca
Society of Alberta Occupational Therapists info@saot.ca
Saskatchewan Society of Occupational Therapists admin@ssot.sk.ca
Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists msot@msot.mb.ca
Ontario Society of Occupational Therapists osot@osot.on.ca
CAOT-Qc aceqc@caot.ca
New Brunswick Association of Occupational Therapists info@nbaot.org
PEI Occupational Therapy Society peiotsociety1973@gmail.com
Nova Scotia Society of Occupational Therapists nssot.ed@gmail.com
Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Occupational Therapists info@nlaot.ca
CAOT-North caotnorth@caot.ca
Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists executive@caot.ca