Everyday tips from an occupational therapist
When you hear “occupational therapy”, you might think “getting back to work.” But occupational therapy is so much more—it’s a health profession dedicated to helping people of all ages build independence, develop skills, and engage in meaningful activities.
People with long COVID can experience symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, joint and muscle pain, shortness of breath, and difficulty sleeping, sometimes for months or even years after their initial infection.
In the depths of winter, when days are short and the cold can feel restrictive, your mood may be affected by these seasonal patterns. Approximately 15% of Canadians who experience depression also experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Chronic pain is a complex and deeply personal experience that affects every aspect of life, from physical function to mental well-being and social relationships.
Experiences during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum profoundly influence the physical, emotional, and psychosocial health of both mother and child.
The population of Canada is not getting any younger: With a strong rise in the numbers of older adults and the “silver tsunami,” aging-in-place is becoming a hot topic.
The holidays are an exciting time, but they can also be very hard for many, resulting in an inability to self-regulate. Sometimes there is too much planned and sometimes there is too little, and the days can look and feel so different, which could result in emotional dysregulation that children may not yet be skilled enough to manage.
Most therapy for eating disorders focuses on psychological and medical treatments. Less widely known is the role of occupational therapy in eating disorder recovery. Occupational therapists, or OTs are found mostly in inpatient programs, although we’re increasingly being employed in outpatient, community and private services.
Ergonomic considerations, which promote adaptation of your work environment to your physiological, psychological, and cognitive capacities to promote your highest level of functioning, are another important piece to consider when arranging your desk.
As many of us continue to work outside of our regular place of employment, we may be finding that over time it can be difficult to remain driven to complete tasks, attend online meetings and keep up with our responsibilities.
A shopping cart that rolls, sometimes called a ‘bundle buggy’ can help make your walk to and from the store easier. By removing the need to carry bags, your back, neck and shoulders might feel less strain.
Occupational therapists (OTs) trained to address hoarding behaviour, can use assessment skills and strategies to develop and implement a plan focussed on your loved one’s individual needs and goals.