Occupational therapy. Making the everyday possible.
Get to know occupational therapists
Occupational therapists, often called OTs, are the primary providers of occupational therapy services. Whether it’s walking the dog, preparing a meal, going to work or school, visiting the grandchildren or doing laundry, OTs work with you and your family to create solutions that help you overcome your particular challenges and live life to the fullest. Those challenges might arise from injury, illness, disability, mental health issues, social factors or simply the aging process.
October is occupational therapy month in Canada. #OTmonth
OTs help seniors to age in place
Occupational therapists work with older adults, including those with disabilities, to age in a place of their choosing by building relationships with the older adults, their families, caregivers, and community stakeholders.
OTs are essential to mental health
Mental health problems can affect people of all ages, cultures, education and income levels. Mental illness varies from person to person and can include depression, anxiety, psychosis, bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress and personality disorders.
A Canadian occupational therapy story
André Lagacé, stroke survivor, shares how working with his occupational therapist gave him the skills and confidence to return to his favourite activities.

“Because of occupational therapy, my wife and I can continue to live at home together.”
— Ralph Greenfield